Minisystem Sound Course - R$70.00 - Pagseguro or Paypal https://pag.ae/bgCjFhW https://bit.ly/2LAbuLg Deposit: Bradesco Ag. 3003-1 CC. 139973-0 Beneficiary Burgoseletronica Ltda Caixa Econômica Federal Ag 1368 Operation 013 Account 7756-5 Beneficiary Luis Carlos Burgos You send the deposit receipt to this email: [email protected] and the course will be released shortly. 10% DISCOUNT COUPON IN OUR ONLINE STORES: Burgoseletronica05 Support the channel: https://apoia.se/burgoseletronica Visit our website and online stores: http://www.burgoseletronica.net http://www.lojaburgoseletronica.com.br http://www.lojaburgoseletronica.net http://loja.burgoseletronica.net Our business partners: http://www.esquemafacil.com.br Blog: http://burgoseletronica.blogspot.com.br