Petr Švancara, Petr Svěcený, Bára Basiková, Kamil Střihavka, Nicole Šáchová. TV premiere 11.12.2024 – 41st episode of the XVth season (S15, E41) Date and place of public filming: Divadlo Bez zábradlí, Prague, Tuesday 10.12.2024 from 7:30 p.m. https://showjanakrause.cz/tv-premiere... The invitation to this episode of the Jan Krause Show was accepted by the presenters of the football talk show Petr Švancara and Petr Svěcený, singer Bára Basiková and singer Kamil Střihavka, stars of the rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar, and the winner of the 1st season of the detective game of life Zrádci Nicole Šáchová. ???? You can purchase tickets on GoOut.net and Ticketportal.cz (each of these portals offers tickets for a different segment in the auditorium) and at the box office of the Bez zábradlí Theater: ???? https://showjanakrause.cz/vstupenky/ ???? https://goout.net/cs/show-jana-krause... ???? https://www.ticketportal.cz/Event/SHO... ???? https://bezzabradli.cz/repertoar/show... THE SJK BAND WILL BE PERFORMING IN THE SCHEDULE: Kryštof Pobořil - keyboards Kryštof Tomeček - guitar Ondřej Hauser - bass Jakub Nývlt - drums ???? SJK APP - https://showjanakrause.cz/aplikace/ ???? The Jan Krause Show mobile #app is available for #Android and #iOS ???? Download on Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... ???? Download in the App Store: https://apps.apple.com/cz/app/show-ja... ???? SUPPORT EMIL! ???? https://www.emilnadace.cz/ The #Emil Foundation ensures that children with disabilities can also play sports.