Super Mario RPG tells the story of how Mario and company saved the world from impending catastrophe but... Did you know all its secrets? Press play and discover the curiosities and hidden details of this adventure for Nintendo Switch. ⭐️ Join our NINTENDO TROOP and receive advantages: / nintendúo Follow us on our networks so you don't miss anything! ✅ Our website: https://nintenduo.com ✅ Twitter: https://nintenduo.com/twitter ✅ Instagram: https://nintenduo.com/instagram ✅ Discord: https://nintenduo.com/discord ✅ Facebook: https://nintenduo.com/facebook ✅ Twitch: https://nintenduo.com/twitch If you want to support our channel you can do it like this: ???? Join our NINTENDO TROOP and receive exclusive benefits: / nintendúo ???? Code in the Fortnite store: Nintenduo ???? Super Thanks #SuperMario #SuperMarioRPG #NintendoSwitch #curiosities