From the movie "Heroine Disqualified," which depicts a high school girl caught in a love triangle between her cool childhood friend and the most popular guy in school, we've picked out some heartwarming exchanges between the protagonist, Hatori (Mirei Kiritani), and her childhood friend, Ritta (Kento Yamazaki), who are in a complicated double date. I can't get enough of this subtle dere in the midst of this crazy tsun! Heroine Disqualified https://www.netflix.com/title/81113454 Now streaming on Netflix *Streaming may end without notice. Subscribe to the channel: https://bit.ly/2S1vSXh Netflix official SNS: ➡️TWITTER: / netflixjp ➡️ANIME TWITTER: / netflixjp_anime ➡️INSTAGRAM: / netflixjp ➡️FACEBOOK: / netflixjp