Ozi bundles with marinade and real cooking from Damascus shops #Chef_Nabil Ingredients below ???? Facebook ???? / chefnabil75 Instagram ???? / nabel75 Snapchat ???? / nabel75 TikTok ???? https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSdmSbatQ/ YouTube ???? / @chefnabil75 Ingredients: 1 kg shredded lamb 800 grams of short rice with mixed long rice 450 grams green peas 500 gm finely minced lamb 250 gm almonds, peeled 50 g pine nuts (optional) 1 bundle of baklava leaves (Yufka leaves) Türkçe???? İçindekiler: 1 kg kıyılmış kuzu eti 800 grams kısa pirinç and karışık uzun pirinç 450 grams also bezelye 500 gr once kıyıl I have 250 grams of bread, so I have 50 grams of food (this is the first time) 1 day old (yufka yaprağı)