day.3 We decided to go to the point where we caught a 57kg fish last year. This year, unlike last year, the calm is very bad.... In the midst of all this, Utsunomiya finally shows its charm! Rodslowemotion summitemotion serieshttps://xesta.jp/slow-emotion-summit-... slowemotion PPJ serieshttps://xesta.jp/slowemotionforppj/ POWER PITCH JERK SPIN POWER PITCH STYLE https://xesta.jp/power-pitch-jerk-spi... Metal jigslowemotion chaff https://xesta.jp/slowemotion-chaff-2024/ slowemotion flapQHEAVY https://xesta.jp/flap-qr-heavy/ slowemotion flare https://xesta.jp/slow-emotion-flare/ #TokaraRettos #AmberjackJigging #xesta