The vast waterfront of northern Kanto, once called the "flowing sea," has been transformed into a tranquil countryside with blooming rape blossoms, thanks to irrigation projects that have been underway since the Edo period. The irrigation channel that draws water from the Tone River system is a fascinating field where a variety of fish live. I cast my line into the artificial stream, Hoso. My target is crucian carp. This fishing is wide and deep, as the saying goes, "It starts with crucian carp and ends with crucian carp." Koharu Yuki is drawn by the refreshing breeze and plays with crucian carp. He is a Japanese fishing rod craftsman who lives in Kawagoe, Saitama. Koharu is one of the three who joined the "Edo Japanese Fishing Rod Association," a traditional craftsmanship organization recognized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, this year. His works are intricate, beautiful, and highly practical. They are filled with the essence of Edo. The endless journey of a Japanese fishing rod craftsman who will lead the next generation. Even if the road is difficult... he just has to take steady steps forward. Tackle Rod: Japanese rod, 6 pieces, 8 shaku (2.4 m) Main line: Nylon No. 1 Tackle: Shimori rig, 1 main float, 1 No. 2 shimori ball, 3 No. 1 Line: No. 0.8 Hook: Carp hook No. 5 Broadcast date May 3, 2020 OWNERMOVIE http://ownertv.jp/ Owner bari website http://www.owner.co.jp