Even more terrifying! Draining the pond of wild-caught monster toman. This time we will try to drain the pond inhabited by two wild-caught monster toman at my friend's place. Draining the monster toman pond this time aims to check the condition, make sure the two monster toman are a pair or not and move all the nuisance fish in the pond, because I once saw these two monster toman carrying aquatic plants to make nests. After the pond water volume was low, the two monster toman looked very green and even more terrifying. I immediately tried to check the condition of the monster toman one by one and thank God all the monster toman were healthy in this pond, not only checking the condition I also saw that these two monster toman were indeed a pair and ready to mate. Therefore we immediately cleaned all the nuisance fish such as tilapia and catfish we moved to another pond so that the two monster toman could mate faster and lay their eggs. After the pond was drained and clear I put the two monster toman back into the pond and I added aquatic plants for their nest to lay their eggs. It is very terrifying and beautiful to see the beauty of the monster toman in this clear water pond. Hopefully after the monster toman pond is drained, this pair of monster toman can mate and breed faster in the pond. ============================================ Join Imam Noer's Youtube Membership ???? / @imamnoer For other social media. ????Follow Instagram @imammnoer https://www.instagram.com/imammnoer/?... =========================================== Thank you.