Interview for the AEP channel. Published on 06-05-2020 Last reviewed 06-08-2020 Environmental health and its impact on pediatric quality of life, present at the 1st Digital Meeting of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP) with the help of its Environmental Health Committee. All living beings and ecosystems are interconnected. We are moving towards a model of planetary health. In the future National Health and Environment Plan, childhood should be given special attention. The green transformation of health systems requires courageous leadership, the creation of new structures and new professional profiles. The first two decades of life, especially the first, is the period with the highest economic and social return on investment in Health (1 euro invested at the beginning of life returns up to €8 annually throughout a lifetime). The loss of biodiversity contributes to the increase in zoonoses such as COVID-19. The pediatrician can contribute to environmental protection. It is necessary to set up more Paediatric Environmental Health Units (at least one for each autonomous community, so far only Murcia and Catalonia have one). More information in the attached texts and in the following video. https://www.aeped.es/comite-salud-med...