If you have oats at home, get up and prepare the harissas. They come out very delicious and crunchy and healthy for you and your children. The ingredients are as follows: 2 cups minus a quarter of oats 150g 2 cups of fine semolina 250g A cup of hot water Yeast 8g A tablespoon 🍯 honey A teaspoon of salt A quarter cup of olive oil A cup of milk If you like the recipe, my sister, there is no harm in leaving me a like on the video for encouragement. Thank you ❤️ #harissas #little_harissas #Moroccan_harissa #harissa #easy_appetizers #chhiwatsahla #Support_my_channel_if_you_see_it_deserves_support_please_not_an_order #Your_support_helps_me_continue #Support_my_channel_if_you_see_it_deserves_support_please_not_an_order #Your_support_makes_me_happy Harissas with oats, Harissas with oats, Harissas with oats and dried fruits, Harissas, Harissas Oats, small oatmeal harissas in the oven, oatmeal and semolina harissas, oatmeal and semolina harissas, semolina harissas, crispy oatmeal fingers with oats, small harissas, barley and oat harissas, corn harissas, milk harissas, thyme harissas, barley harissas, oven harissas, Halima Al-Filali harissas, oatmeal recipes, oatmeal harissas, salty harissas, harissas in the oven, small harissas in the pan, oatmeal harissas, semolina harissas, oatmeal and semolina harissas, oatmeal harissas, harissas with oats and semolina, harissas, harissas - with oats, small harissas, oatmeal and dried fruit harissas, oatmeal harissas and semolina, oatmeal harissas, oatmeal and semolina harissas, oatmeal and semolina harissas, barley and oat harissas, crispy oatmeal fingers With oats, barley harissa, oat recipes, salty harissa, Halima Al-Filali harissa, corn harissa, nafi harissa, milk harissa, thyme harissa, barley harissa, small harissa, small harissa in the pan, stuffed harissa, healthy and economical harissa with bran, small harissa in the oven, harissa in the oven, salty harissa, individual harissa, barley harissa, easy harissa, small crispy harissa, cheese harissa, small harissa with milk, thyme harissa, oatmeal harissa, barley harissa, semolina harissa, olive harissa, harissa with harissa, harissa with harissa, harissa in pans, #barley harissa, small oven harissa, #barley harissa Oatmeal, oatmeal porridge, small porridges, porridges, porridges - with oats, porridges with semolina, barley porridges, healthy porridges, barley and oat porridges, oatmeal and semolina porridges, oatmeal and dried fruit porridges, oatmeal and semolina porridges, small porridges with barley, Halima Al-Filali porridges, corn porridges, porridges in the oven, porridges with milk, porridges with thyme, stuffed porridges, small porridges in the oven, porridges in the oven, small porridges in the pan, healthy oatmeal porridge, with oats, salty oatmeal porridges, oatmeal bread, oats, oats for weight gain, benefits of oatmeal, oatmeal dessert, what is oatmeal, oatmeal recipes, oatmeal diet, oatmeal dessert, oatmeal cookies, oatmeal preparation, oatmeal soup, oatmeal sweets, oatmeal with milk, oatmeal for weight loss, how to prepare oatmeal, oatmeal meal, oatmeal raises Sugar, oatmeal dessert, oatmeal bread, date dessert, Umm Walid oats, cooking oats, wonderful, easy and nutritious oatmeal dessert, oats for weight loss or weight gain, what are oats, oat grains, oat diet