In the second part, we head to the Jizera Mountains and start in Příchovice, where the genius Jára Cimrman lived and created. Today, U Čápa houses his museum and also an observation tower. We will talk about the view from all fourteen eight thousand peaks while walking through the Jizera Mountains with Radek Jaroš, who is the only Czech who can wear the Crown of the Himalayas. And we will also try via ferrata on Kočičé kamen. It has B difficulty and you can beat it in about 15 minutes. How long did it take to build it, its builder Ladislav Hanzel will tell. We remind you that the Jizerské hory are among the rainiest locations in the Czech Republic, which is why a system of dams was designed here at the beginning of the 20th century due to floods: Souš on Černé and Desná on Bílé Desná. Both were approved in 1915. But less than a year later, water from the Bílá Desná flooded a hundred houses and killed 62 people. The bulk dam of the Desná dam broke. Route description: From Hejnice, the route follows the yellow tourist sign to the Frýdlantská cimbuří. Through the Polední kameny, it continues around the Smědavská mountain to the Bílá Smědé spring and from there to the Jizera – the second highest mountain in the Jizera Mountains. The route leads through Knajpa to the nature reserve Na Čihadle and through Štolpišký waterfall and Orešník back to Hejnice. Total route length 22km, ascent 964m, descent 957m, time 8 hours Route: https://mapy.cz/s/gegehusetu