In the video, the mount to the bridge was poorly visible, here is a link to a photo album of the T-40 steering, where everything is clearly visible according to the same principle: https://vk.com/album-66569055_188305036 You can also see many photos of our equipment here: https://vk.com/albums-66569055 ______________________ Stickers from Maksim TechnikPRO: https://vk.com/market-66569055 Vkontakte group: http://vk.com/club66569055 Odnoklassniki: https://ok.ru/group/58287818670118 Instagram: / maksim_technikpro_ Second channel: / @maksimtechnikprolive Equipment reviews: • Review of the KUN on the T-40 Tractor from #Maksim...