Hello my friend. In today's guitar lesson, I'm going to teach you the INFINITE FINGERING. I'm sure you've never heard of it before. It's a guitar fingering that we can use to play practically any song. Did you like the idea? Then come with me! In the lesson, I'll show you the tablature step by step with the guitar, the correct way to do this fingering on the guitar. And you can get excited because it's a basic fingering for beginners that any beginner on the guitar can do. Well, that's basically it. I'll leave the most important thing for you to discover in the lesson. See you there. Have a good lesson... SUPER IMPORTANT MESSAGE???? If you're that person who loves playing the guitar but feels like you need something more, that what you know is no longer enough and you need to take the next step. Today, I'm going to help you take the next step. Even if you don't have much knowledge and are just starting out, I guarantee that I know what you need. I developed a course called AUTHENTIC GUITAR where I deliver an organized and chronological method where my main objective is to make you evolve with each class of the course. So if you want to advance and take the next step, just click on the link below and learn about this incredible method that will change your life. Discover my Authentic Guitar Course???? https://tiago-penteado-graciotin.hero...