Almost every person sooner or later had the feeling that he is worse than others in some way: poorer, stupider, less beautiful, fatter or thinner, less talented, and many more similar thoughts can come. And it's not about who you really are, but why you perceive yourself in such a negative light. Why do you consider yourself worse than others. I consider myself worse than others. And what's interesting is that this is often a very deep feeling, others can see and feel you as a very self-confident person, sometimes even overly self-confident. But, as you understand, this is only an outer shell, protection, and inside such a person, insecure in his uniqueness, continues to doubt himself and compare himself with others. Thereby worsening situations for ourselves and remaining in a position of victim and fear. INST: / ana.mavricheva TG: https://t.me/anamavricheva #infobusiness #motivation #success #self-development