I admire people who seek to make the world a better place by changing the things they don't like. I had the luxury of talking to Fernando Polack again. In the last episode, we had talked about the COVID pandemic and vaccines. This time we talked about neurodiversity and how neurodivergent people can find a way to fulfill themselves in life. Don't miss it! I'm Gerry Garbulsky and I want us to learn throughout our lives together. Links to this episode at http://aprenderdegrandes.com/polack2024 More from Learning from Greats: Courses: https://aprenderdegrandes.com/cursos The game: https://aprenderdegrandes.com/eljuego Monday email: https://aprenderdegrandes.com/newsletter WhatsApp community: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Dc4b1Ax70pP... Learning from Greats is available at... Site: https://aprenderdegrandes.com/episodios Youtube: / @aprenderdegrandes Spotify: http://bit.ly/AprenderDeGrandesSpotify Apple Podcasts: http://bit.ly/AprenderDeGrandesApple ... and on your favorite player, searching for ¨Aprender de Grandes¨ And on social networks... Instagram: / aprenderdegrandes TikTok: / aprenderdegrandes Facebook: / apdegran Twitter: / apdegrandes LinkedIn: / aprenderdegrandes Threads: https://www.threads.net/@aprenderdegr... Music and sound: Estudio Pomeranec (http://pomeranec.com).