Unicron also known as Chaos Personified and the Planet Devourer is a powerful robotic creature and a kind of cosmic superior being that symbolizes chaos and destruction, being one of the main villains of the original Transformers comics published by Marvel, this being also works as the main antagonist of the epic 1986 film which is known as Transformers G1, Transformers Generation 1, Transformers The Movie and Transformers The Movie, where this entity appears out of nowhere in outer space and begins to consume planets in a quite brutal and ruthless way as it is a monstrous being that devours planets inhabited by Cybertronian organisms or by Transformers. This being's main objective in the plot of the film is to devour and destroy the planet Cyberton where the 13 Primes and the different Cybertronian organisms that we know as Transformers have originated. Although in the movie we are never really told the origins of Unicron, we are actually given more information about its creation in the third season of the animated series, where it is revealed to us that this destructive monster was created by the alien scientist and ancient being known as Primacron who is a scientist who sought to end all life in the universe in order to eventually have a blank canvas where he could experiment and create new life and experiments without any restrictions and distractions. Later in the entertaining and interesting The Transformers comics published by Marvel, Unicron's origin is changed and it is revealed to us that he was created by the supreme being known as The One or The First also known as The Chosen One, who is revealed to have created Unicron and his brother known as Primus. This is how Unicron had the incredible ability to move between multiverses and between time but could only exist in one reality and a specific time, however his brother Primus could exist in all dimensions or multiverses at the same time, that is how this monster rebelled against his brother Primus and decided to fight against him, it is this battle that led to the creation of the sentient and living planet known as Unicron, this was also what created the planet of Cybertron and the different Transformers such as the Autobots, the Decepticons, the Predacons, the Maximals and the Terrorcons. Unicron also recently appeared in the entertaining Transformers movie Rise of the Beasts or Transformers The Awakening of the Beasts, which is the seventh film in the Transformers live action film saga which with Transformers 2007, Transformers Revenge of the Fallen or Transformers Revenge of the Fallen, Transformers The Dark Side of the Moon or Transformers Dark of the Moon, Transformers The Last Kinght or Transformers The Last Knight and Transformers Age of Extinction or Transformers The Age of Extinction, a new continuity was also made to which this film belongs with the 2019 Bumblebee film. It is because of how iconic and powerful it is, that Unicron is considered one of the best monstrous villains not only in Transformers but also in science fiction in general. That is why in this video I will explain in detail the history and origins of Unicron in the different media of the Transformers saga such as the original animated series, its comics and its live action movies, then I will explain the physical appearance of this monster, what we know about his personality and behavior and I will explain his incredible abilities and known weaknesses, finally I will explain everything we know about this interesting, memorable, terrifying, chilling, sinister and powerful character known as Unicron from Transformers Rise of The Beasts or Transformers the Awakening of the Beasts. Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any of my new videos! If you want to support the channel by becoming a member, here is the link: / @luisdewitt Ghost Story by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-... Artist: http://incompetech.com/