This Friday (6), “Sala de Redação” welcomed the Colorado idol D'Alessandro. The Inter director spoke about the Lance de Craque event, which is back on the Rio Grande do Sul football calendar after five years. In addition to sharing details about the event, D'Ale also spoke about how he sees Roger Machado's work at Inter, projected 2025 and commented on the club's budget. From Sunday to Friday, follow Sala de Redação, one of the oldest and most traditional sports debates in the country. Pedro Ernesto Denardin leads the review with lots of information, relaxation and, of course, opinions on the day-to-day issues of Grêmio and Inter. Newsroom - from 1pm to 3pm Follow Esportes GZH on Instagram: https://linktr.ee/_esportesgzh ???? Full coverage at: https://www.gauchazh.com.br/ WhatsApp Gaúcha: (51) 99699-5218 #DAlessandro #LanceDeCraque #Inter #Football #Sports