I don't remember seeing any expression in the Bible that explicitly says that the believer goes to heaven. But we have a lot of evidence that heaven is the home of those saved by Christ, and I will try to present some. ============== I am not a pastor, priest or clergyman. I am not connected to any denomination or religious organization. I congregate only in the name of the Lord outside the denominational system, without temples, leaders, priests, tithes and similar things. The ideas here are not originally mine, but are the fruit of what I have learned from the Word of God outside the denominational systems with brothers congregated in the name of the Lord and also with authors from other times who congregated in this way, such as JG Bellett, CH Brown, JN Darby, E. Dennett, WW Fereday, JL Harris, W. Kelly, CH Mackintosh, A. Miller, FG Patterson, AJ Pollock, HL Rossier, H. Smith, C. Stanley, W. Trotter, GV Wigram and many others.