There are reports everywhere about new small wind turbines and promises of such high efficiencies that all energy problems would be solved. Vertical small wind turbines in particular look super futuristic and are totally hyped. What is unfortunately not mentioned is that a futuristic design can cost 35% in terms of efficiency. Experts warn against buying too quickly. And because I find it really difficult that so many false promises are being made, today I want to take a closer look at how worthwhile small wind power is in Germany, how different the efficiency is depending on the design and we have also worked out when a small wind turbine is actually worthwhile. Breaking Lab on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/breakinglab... This video was created by my Breaking Lab team. Responsible editorial staff: Florian Krupka, Johannes Polotzek, Jacob Beautemps; Editing: Jonathan Arndt, Sören Rensch, Neo Sanjuan Thiele Source 1: https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/Shar... Source 2: https://www.destatis.de/DE/Presse/Pre... Source 3: https://www.klein-windkraftanlagen.co.... Source 4: https://www.wind-energie.de/themen/an... Source 5: https://www.leifiphysik.de/mechanis/s... Source 6: https://www.kle in-windkraftanlagen.co... Source 7: https://www.wind-energie.de/themen/an... Source 8: https://www.klein-windkraftanlagen.co... Source 9: https://www.enargus.de/pub/bscw.cgi/d... Source 10: https://www.enargus.de/pub/bscw.cgi/d... Source 11: https://www.wind-energie.de/themen/an... Source 12: https://www.wind-energie.de/themen/an... Source 13: https://www.stmwi.bayern.de/fileadmin... Source 14: https://www.dwd.de/DE/dienste/wind... Source 15: https://www.klein-windkraftanlagen.co... Source 16: https://www.klein-windkraftanlagen.co... Source: 17 https://www.klein-windkraftanlagen.co... Source 18: https://wind-data.ch /tools/weibull.php Source 19: https://www.efiwind.de/fileadmin/user... Source 20: https://www.klein-windkraftanlagen.co... Source 21: https://www.gehl-ing.de/papers/2018-B... Source 22: https://www.klein-windkraftanlagen.co... Source 23: https://www.klein-windkraftanlagen.co... Source 24: https://smallwindcertification. org/wp... Source 25: https://smallwindcertification.org/wp... Source 26: https://etneo.com/prodotto/vertical-a... Source 27: https://www.mwps.world/market/used-wi... Source 28: https://www.klein-windkraftanlagen.co... Source 29: https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-d... Source 30: https://nepis.epa.gov/Exe/ZyNET.exe Source 31: https://www.tuvsud.com/en/industries/... Source 32: https://www.vbw-bayern.de/Redaktion/F... Source 33: https://www.verbraucherzentrale.de/wi... Source 34: https://www.klein-windkraftanlagen.co... Source 35: https://www.klein-windkraftanlagen.co... Source 36: https://www.ise.fraunhofer.de/de/vero...