The Avatar of Evil also known as Scythe, Scyther, Avatar of Evil and Evil Incarnate is a monstrous and malevolent entity that appears in the epic and entertaining game Metal Slug 5 where this monster works as the final boss of the game, something very interesting about this creature is that really throughout Metal Slug 5 we do not see its story directly since many aspects of it had to be cut from the final game for time reasons since the game had to be released in advance. This is the reason why one of the most important villains in the story did not appear again directly, this villain was the native who puts on the mysterious white mask that fell from the sky, whom the Ptolemaic army or the Ptolemaic army see as their maximum leader, this is the reason why the native possessed by Scyther or by the avatar of evil, is now known by the Ptolemaic army as Ptolemaios and as Lord Ptlomeaios because they consider him a powerful sorcerer. Something very interesting is also that the history of scyther or scythe goes far beyond what we see in the final game mainly because in addition to Lord Ptolemaios also appeared an ancient ancestral weapon known as the stone turtle or the Stone turtle. The Monster or final boss then is a very mysterious and interesting being that is considered by Metal Slug fans as the most chilling final boss of the entire saga. It is because of all the mystery that surrounds it, the interesting and vast history and mythology that this monster has and how powerful and terrifying it is, that Scyther, Scythe or the Avatar of Evil is considered one of the most chilling and interesting monsters in this saga of arcade video games. That is why in this video I will explain in detail the history and origins of Scyther, Ptolemaios and the Stonee Turtle from Metal Slug 5 and for that I will make a detailed summary of the history of the game that we did not really see in the original version, then I will explain the remake version of Metal Slug 5 where we can see all the content that was removed from the final game and that was restored by the fans, then I will explain the physical appearance of the avatar of evil, its unique characteristics, what we know about its personality and unique behavior, the special information that is revealed from Mira from Metal Slug Attack and then I will explain all the known information about this demonic monster or gigantic and terrifying interdimensional entity from the epic Metal Slug game saga by SNK Playmore and Neo Geo and specifically from the Metal Slug 5 game. Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss any of my new videos! If you want to support the channel by becoming a member, here is the link: / @luisdewitt Ghost Story by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-... Artist: http://incompetech.co