#sniperdequestoes Be a Question Sniper! Learn the study method! http://sniperdequestoes.com.br ------------------------------ Have you taken all the previous ENEM and Fuvest exams? Congratulations! Now you need to continue your preparation by studying questions from old exams such as UNESP, Unicamp and Fuvest. For ENEM ---- take UNESP Unesp is the entrance exam in Brazil that is most similar to ENEM, because the questions are contextualized and very well prepared. Unesp has two applications per year, which is even better for training for ENEM. For Fuvest - take UNESP AND UNICAMP For Fuvest, it will be interesting to train with Unesp as well. One detail is that the Unesp humanities exam is more difficult than the Fuvest exam, and that is why it is great training. For Fuvest, it is also important to take Unicamp. The Unicamp exam has a higher cutoff score than the Fuvest exam, but this is good because the level of difficulty of the Fuvest exams varies a little each year, so it may be interesting to prepare with a slightly easier exam. -------------------------- Become a Question Sniper! Learn the study method! http://sniperdequestoes.com.br ------------------------------