Hey on my channel! Potatoes or potatoes? That is the question :))) Contact me : Mail: [email protected] Instagram / to_sie_nie_uuuda Facebook / to-się-nie-uuuda Okay, here we go with this house insulation from the inside. As you know, we can't insulate the building from the outside and here we decided to insulate the walls inside with Multipor. The upper walls are half as thin and we have to build and match the lower thickness of the walls. The first idea was to use a layer of polystyrene at the top, but after brainstorming with our experts, let's give it a rest and stick to the more expensive version, i.e. the whole thing with Multipor. However, I want to share with you how the version with polystyrene was calculated by our installation specialist: "On the existing red brick wall (thickness approx. 30 cm) we put polystyrene from the inside, lambda 0.038, thickness 10 cm, and then TERMALICA 12 cm. The whole thing must be made tightly, no free spaces. In the case of polystyrene, there is no need to provide a vapour barrier, because polystyrene itself has a huge diffusion resistance. A vapour barrier is provided in the case of wool, because it easily absorbs moisture. Termalica has very good moisture-regulating properties, so the wall breathes. Moisture meets polystyrene and that's it. If the whole thing is made mega-tight, moisture returns to the rooms when it is dry, and it is dry in winter, when there is the most moisture outside. Polystyrene creates a diffusion barrier against moisture from the outside and at the same time does not allow warm air from the inside. According to calculations, moisture will not condense. The critical conditions for the occurrence of mold on the walls are met, which means that if our conditions are maintained, there will be no mold on the walls." That's all on the subject - maybe someone will find it useful :) Thank you for watching :))) #remontujemydom #zycienwsi #domnawsi #escapenawies