The film revolves around Timur, a music institute student who loves playing the double bass. He is emotionally attached to his classmate Nawal and seeks to marry her, but Nawal's mother loves magic and sorcery, so Timur resorts to wearing a prosthetic mask to play the role of a witch (Aunt Nosa). ------------------- Mohamed Henedy as Timur - Aunt Nosa Actors Mohamed Henedy: Timur - Aunt Nosa Hassan Hosni: Timur's father Donia Samir Ghanem: Nawal Fadia Abdel Ghani: Nadia - Nawal's mother Alaa Morsi: Timur's friend Nabil Issa: Fouda Mahmoud Abdel Ghaffar: Hamdi Lotfy Labib: Uncle Bashandy Hatem Gamil: Honda Alaa Zeinhom: Chief Metwally Alwan: The man in the program Ahmed Al-Halwani: Salma Gharib's driver: Nesma Mamdouh's jailer