Welcome to the Devocional Plenitude with Andressa Moreira. In this video you will find the necessary information to start this Journey. Link to the Devocional Plenitude Whatsapp Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Ep6Z0iFzMIq... On January 1st I will start a 40-day devotional - Devocional Plenitude - there will be daily videos sent to the movement group + Live Lives every Saturday at 8:07 + an in-person vigil in Joinville (broadcast live) on February 8th to open my heart and share this message that He placed in me. This will be the beginning of a movement, with men and women who seek fullness in all areas - aligning spirit, soul and body. ✅ To join for free, just click on the link to the official group. https://chat.whatsapp.com/Ep6Z0iFzMIq... Instagram: @byandressamoreira / byandressamoreira