Led by Fleur Meerman (SER), the speakers will address the following questions: when is data reliable? What do you do if the data is not available? How do you know that the data you receive is correct? How and what should you actually measure? With expert contributions from Eva Eijkelenboom (MKB-Nederland and VNO-NCW), Maaike Fleur (Royal FloraHolland), Noortje Crabbendam (SER) and Usha Ganga (NBA). This webinar is offered by MKB-Nederland, VNO-NCW, the Dutch Professional Organisation of Accountants (NBA), the Dutch Council for Annual Reporting (RJ) and the Social and Economic Council (SER) and is made possible by the Ministry of Economic Affairs. View more webinars about the CSRD and ESRS here: https://www.ser.nl/nl/thema/duurzaamh...