Saving the slab. Do it yourself! Waterproofing a slab dripping with water, damp stains and even cracks and fissures. 1st Step - Cleaning the slab and removing loose parts. 2nd Application of synthetic whale oil waterproofing and 3rd Step - Application of VBrasil liquid slab sealant. #infiltration #waterproofing #slab #humidity LINKS WHERE TO BUY AND CHAPTERS Vedalaje 3.2 Liters Waterproofing + 1 Whale Oil 900ml https://mercadolivre.com/sec/14JVpi7 or https://s.shopee.com.br/1B6UgVoICt Vbrasil Whale Oil Waterproofing 15 Liters https://mercadolivre.com/sec/2xVMEnv or https://s.shopee.com.br/20fbg7Ihay Vbrasil Slab Liquid Blanket 15 liters New Formula White Color https://mercadolivre.com/sec/1CUbkpF Vbrasil Whale Oil 900ml https://s.shopee.com.br/8KZfDqRlmc CHAPTERS: Click and go straight to the point 00:00 Introduction 01:10 Slab pathology 03:40 Step 1 - Cleaning 06:13 Step 2 - Synthetic whale oil 13:04 Step 3 - Liquid sealant 16:15 Rain test 19:30 Before, During and After 20:26 Conclusion NEW: By purchasing at Loja do Mecânico through this link https://bit.ly/3PeHn9N you have access to hundreds of products on sale and with each purchase you make you help the 123 Fernando channel without paying a single penny more for it. Thank you for helping our channel become bigger, better and more relevant to so many viewers. We appreciate you watching, subscribing and sharing our videos. Thank you very much, you help us create more content and that it reaches more people just as it reached you. Gratitude. Follow us also on: Instagram @canal123fernando Telegram https://t.me/joinchat/FwY5NefAe_tFrbLB WhatsApp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/H6kGLcnyNHM... Website https://123fernando.com.br/