Niek Stam (director of FNV Havens) about his involvement in the Battle of Beverwijk. Watch more fragments of Niek Stam: • Studio Katshoek: Episode 4 - Niek ... Studio Katshoek is a program of Vers Beton and can be viewed in its entirety here (45 minutes): http://versbeton.nl/2015/06/video-stu... In Studio Katshoek, Geert Maarse talks to an influential, opinionated Rotterdammer who holds a key position in the city every month. What drives them in their work? Where should the city go? And how do they do it? This edition was recorded on Friday afternoon, April 3, 2015, between four and seven. Location: the fifth floor of Katshoek, the characteristic building in the Zomerhofkwartier from 1969 by the Rotterdam architect Huig Maaskant. The previous episode, with theatre director Ellen Walraven, can be viewed here: • Studio Katshoek: Episode 3 - Ellen... Studio Katshoek is produced by Vloedlicht and Onemorething for Vers Beton.