Convenient car loan from Tinkoff - https://l.tinkoff.ru/stolyarovu My TG channel https://t.me/Stolyaric My personal page in VK https://vk.com/stoliarovaleksey My official group in VK https://vk.com/stoliarovfitness Today in the video WE ARE GOING in a HOUSE on WHEELS MOSCOW-SOCHI! 1500 km with Gabar and Nikitos challenge. An incredible journey that we went on with the whole team to realize our dream. A trip to the sea with a group of friends Moscow-Sochi! Unreal adventures await us! Enjoy watching everyone WE ARE GOING in a HOUSE on WHEELS MOSCOW-SOCHI! 1500 km with Gabar and Nikitos challenge ►Nikitos YouTube / @nikitos1 Telegram (https://t.me/NIKITOSTEAM) https://t.me/NIKITOSTEAM ►Gabar YouTube / @gabarhard Telegram https://t.me/hardgabar ►Nyutik https://t.me/mrsalekseevnaaaaa ►Sasha https://t.me/rmnv_all ►Nastya https://t.me/luckyone122 (https://t.me/luckyone122) ►Dima operator https://vk.com/ilkov ►Subscribe to my channel: https://goo.gl/YrWVRv ►Our website: https://eazy-way.com/ ►Advertising, cooperation: [email protected] Advertising. JSC Tinkoff Bank, Universal license of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 2673 dated March 24, 2015. erid: LdtCKcs4j