Today I'm going to teach you how to make Modeled Brigadeiros, which are beautiful and super easy to make! There will be 4 different colors for you to rock! In this video, I'll teach you step by step how to make the brigadeiro at the right point, dye it and how to shape the sweets, which will transform them from simple brigadeiros into very fine sweets that delight customers. During the video, we'll talk about validity, storage and production tips so that you can leave this video already planning your production! Don't miss a minute of this video! ****** RECIPE ******* ▪ Ninho Brigadeiro 395g of condensed milk 100g of cream 20g white chocolate 40g of Ninho milk Powdered milk for rolling If you want it to last longer, add 1 level dessert spoon of Glucose to the dough at the end of cooking. ** Yield per recipe: 18 20g brigadeiros ** I used the 20g Candy Roller from @BlueStar *** Flower, Heart and Arabesque Ejectors from @bluestarartes **************** ???? Also see other videos that can help you: ▪ Special Brigadeiros Playlist: • Brigadeiros ▪ THIS BRIGADEIRO GIVES A BEAUTY SHOW! Beautiful, delicious and surprising! You will be enchanted!: • THIS BRIGADEIRO GIVES A BEAUTY SHOW!... ▪ BESTSELLER - STUFFED CONES Easy to make, practical and very profitable: • BEST SALES SUCCESS - STUFFED CONES ... ▪ PERFECT White Brigadeiro - With ONE dough you make 6 FLAVORS: • PERFECT Brigadeiro - With ONE dough you... ▪ PERFECT Brigadeiro - Make 9 different flavors with 1 RECIPE: • PERFECT Brigadeiro - Make 9 different flavors ... ▪ SUPER PRACTICAL: make NINE different cone flavors with just ONE filling! Super profitable!: • SUPER PRACTICAL: make NINE different cone flavors... ???? Video Index: 00:00 What you will learn in this class! 02:03 Preparing the Brigadeiro dough 04:06 Dyeing the Brigadeiro 07:30 Portioning the brigadeiros 08:39 Assembling the BlueStar Max Ejector 11:09 Modeling the Brigadeiros 14:58 Timing production at scale 15:43 Testing Brigadeiro sizes 16:12 Other applications for the Max Ejector 16:25 Packaging 16:57 Shelf life, conservation, yield 17:56 Tell me what you think and leave your like ???? If you liked this video, share it in your confectionery groups and also with your friends! #brigadeiro #brigadeiros #gourmetbrigadeiro #gourmetbrigadeiros #decoratedbrigadeiros #decoratedbrigadeiro #brigadeirodeninho #floralbrigadeiro #finesweets #sweets #candy #wedding #decoratedsweets #partysweets #easyrecipe #makeandsell #cooking #sweetstosell #mothersday #mothersday #candyejector #ejector Subscribe to the Channel and receive delicious news every week! ▪ Social Networks Anelyse Martins Official: Instagram: / anelysemartinsoficial Facebook: / anelysemartinsoficial Tiktok: / anelysemartins