Link to buy the Auction in Practice eBook 📚 https://pay.hotmart.com/J90260376H?bi... 📌 In this video, you will meet one of the most traditional auctioneers in Rio de Janeiro for selling vehicles from Insurance Companies and Banks, Auctioneer Rogério Menezes. I visited Pátio do Rogério Menezes with my friend @mundodosleiloesrj and we gave tips and answered questions on how you can buy a vehicle at the largest and most traditional insurance vehicle auction in Rio de Janeiro. Auctioneer's Website: https://www.rogeriomenezes.com.br It is very important that you help us by subscribing to the channel and leaving your like. To see more about auctions of all types, follow me on social media. Instagram 📲 @veigaadvogado TikTok 📲 @casaldoleilao ✅30,000 Subscribers - 09/26/2023 ✅20,000 Subscribers - 11/18/2022 ✅10,000 Subscribers - 10/26/2021 ✅1,000 Subscribers - 06/20/2021 ✅100 Subscribers - 05/24/2021 ✅1st video - 05/08/2021 🔲(GOAL) 1,000,000 Subscribers