Now things are getting serious! We went to Vila Mariana, in São Paulo, to visit a cutlery shop and try to make our own axe. Did it work? #Boravê! Iberê arrived at the place with a huge wrench, wanting to turn it into an axe. Despite being a very old tool, production is not that simple. Want a spoiler? They say that the cutler shaved Iberê's beard with the axe! Do you know how to make an axe? Do you know the process? The materials used? In this video, you can learn in a practical and detailed way what the secrets of cutlery are and satisfy some of that curiosity. Do you know what a cutlery shop is? We call the place where the cleaver is made and where axes, knives or other sharp objects are made a cutlery shop. The art or technique of manufacturing these instruments is also known by this name. Each cutlery shop needs some basic tools to make an axe or other sharp objects, like the one shown in the video. In most cases, these are the basic tools: Grinder; Forge/Blower; Vise; Electric oven; Files; Sandpaper; Hammers; Anvil; Pliers. When working in cutlery and learning how to make an axe, knife or any other sharp object, you will realize that it is one of the most dangerous manual tasks. Therefore, the use of safety equipment is essential. The main ones are: Apron; Mask; Gloves; Hearing protection; Face protection; Glasses. What material should I use to make an axe? Making an axe: this was the mission chosen by Iberê for this video and we will soon discover that it is not as simple as it seems. So, if you want to learn how to make an axe, pay attention to the tips. The basic material for making a machete, pocket knife and axe is steel, but not just any steel! Are you curious? We showed you everything, come on? What did you think of our axe? And Iberê as a cutler? It deserves a thumbs up, right? Share it with your friends! And if you have any suggestions or questions, you can send them to the addresses below: ► Subscribe: https://youtube.com/user/iberethenori... Questions and suggestions: [email protected] Business: [email protected] Press and invitations: [email protected] Website: http://manualdomundo.com.br Facebook: / manualdomundo Instagram: / manualdomundo Instagram Mari: / amarifulfaro Twitter Iberê: / iberethenorio CREDITS Direction and presentation: Iberê Thenório Executive production: Mari Fulfaro Camera: André Cavalieri Production and script: Rubens Ishara and Tiago César Silva Editing and finalization of images: Thais Paneto, Cristiane Poveda Acknowledgments: Mostra Internacional de Cutelaria Copyright© 2023 Manual do Mundo®. All rights reserved.