00:00 Introduction 00:57 Crankshaft Position Sensor 02:54 Camshaft Position Sensor 04:00 Throttle Position Sensor TPS 05:47 Mass Air Flow Sensor MAF 07:38 Vane Air Flow Meter AFM 08:42 Absolute Pressure Sensor MAP 10:16 Oil Pressure Sensor 11:43 Fuel Pressure Sensor 12:22 Intake Air Temperature Sensor IAT 13:45 Coolant Temperature Sensor 15:04 Fuel Temperature Sensor 15:54 Oil Temperature Sensor 17:14 Oxygen Sensor 02 19:54 Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor EGT 21:26 Nitrogen Oxide Sensor NOx 22:25 Knock Sensor 23:35 Quick Summary of Key Sensors 25:20 Final In this video we will explain each sensor on the engine of a car. For each sensor we will explain what it does, how it does it, where the sensor location is, and what happens if the sensor fails. There are also OBD2 error codes for all sensors. Things like P0335, P0118, P0131, P0340, P0300, P0102, P0113. So the next time you have a problem with one of your sensors you will know what is happening, why it is happening, where the sensor is, and what will happen if you don't fix it. To keep the video as simple and logical as possible I have grouped the sensors into 5 categories. 1. Position Sensors (Crankshaft Position Sensor, Camshaft Position Sensor, Throttle Position Sensor) 2. Air Flow Sensors (Mass Air Flow Sensor MAF, Vane Air Flow Meter) 3. Pressure Sensors (MAP or Mass Absolute Pressure Sensor, Oil Pressure Sensor, Fuel Pressure Sensor) 4. Temperature Sensors (IAT or Intake Air Temperature Sensor, Antifreeze Temperature Sensor, Fuel Temperature Sensor, Oil Temperature Sensor) 5. Air Fuel Ratio, Emissions & Others (Oxygen 02 Sensor both wideband and narrowband, Exhaust Gas Temperature or EGT Sensor, Nitrogen Oxide or NOX Sensor for Selective Catalytic Reduction SCR and Knock Sensor) We’ll look at how each sensor communicates with the ECU and how each sensor is a piece of the puzzle. When they all work together properly, the ECU can see the bigger picture and accurately and efficiently manage the operation of the engine. For example, the crankshaft position sensor tells the ECU where the piston is so the ECU knows WHEN to inject the fuel. Airflow sensors, such as the mass air flow sensor or MAP sensor, tell the ECU how much air is entering the engine so the ECU knows HOW MUCH fuel to inject. The throttle position sensor and intake air temperature sensor tell the ECU the load placed on the engine and the intake air temperature, further improving injection accuracy. The final stream of information needed for injection accuracy comes from the fuel pressure sensor, which allows the ECU to calculate exactly how long it needs to keep the injectors open to deliver the precise amount of fuel needed. In case something goes wrong, we have life-saving sensors such as knock or oil pressure sensors. The knock sensor detects knocking or abnormal combustion and if it detects it, it warns the ECU and the ECU within milliseconds retards the ignition timing and/or adds fuel to prevent knocking from occurring again. Oil pressure and temperature sensors ensure that the engine oil, the lifeblood of the engine, is within functional parameters. As soon as it briefly deviates from the expected values, the ECU can protect the engine and warn the driver. In general, modern cars are a world of moving information where a large number of sensors quickly provide endless amounts of data that the ECU interprets at lightning speed and triggers a sea of different actions that keep it moving smoothly and safely along the road. All while preserving efficiency and minimizing emissions. #d4aespañol #cars #mechanics