In this video, we decided to share with you a truly honest review and personal eight-year experience of owning a Volkswagen Polo Sedan. Is it worth buying a Polo Sedan? We will tell you about all the pros and cons that have happened to us since 2016. https://t.me/liza_and_lesha Go to our Telegram channel, there we will post everything that was not included in the main issue. We also have a Giveaway there until 12/20/2024 Mitsubishi Lancer Japanese Zhiguli: • Mitsubishi Lancer 9 Is it worth taking a La... Mercedes CLS or GLK?: • 8 Years with Mercedes GLK and CLS Pros Cons... Dodge Ram Best Car!: • Dodge RAM Best Car for the Money... We also bought a Moped: • How we bought a 125 cc Moped with a license plate... Subscribe to our channel, like and write comments! #auto #vw #volkswagen #volkswagenpolo