Heinakõrs 19:36 Neozombiepostfolk duo Puuluup invites you to a world of looper-panned electro-giiukannels, where bows spin, strings break, and Ramo and Marko observe their folk instruments that have awakened from the dead with barely restrained passion. The ensemble's repertoire speaks of calorie-rich Vormsi wedding meals, platonic love for modern methods of electricity production, animals and other current and timeless things. In addition to Estonian songs, Puuluup's lyrics also seek expression by wandering between more and less unknown language groups. It is suitable to bring children, mother and the neighbor uncle to the concert, although it can sometimes get a little noisy. Line-up: Ramo Teder (Pastacas) – hiiukannel, singing, electronics Marko Veisson – hiiukannel, singing, electronics