In this video, I solve the Simplified PicPay Back-end Challenge using .NET 8 and Clean Architecture. We will explore how to structure an efficient payment application, following SOLID principles and good development practices. Follow each step of the implementation, including balance validations, integration with external services, secure transactions and sending notifications. Get ready for a robust and modern approach to a transfer platform between users, using the best of the .NET ecosystem. Ideal for those looking to improve their skills and understand how to create scalable solutions in the world of digital payments! Follow me on social media Instagram instagram.com/ronavas_10/?next=/ Linkedin linkedin.com/in/ronaldo-vasconcelos GitHub of the developed code: https://github.com/ronavastech/Desafi... Solving PICPAY Backend challenge: • Simplified PicPay BACKEND Challenge with... In case you want to know which courses I took to become a software engineer • Yes, this is how I learned to use C# In case you are curious about what a programmer's routine is like • Video My opinion on the term software engineer Software engineer the term JOKE in the DEV bubble • Software engineer the term JOKE ... 00:00 INTRODUCTION 00:13 EXPLAINING THE PICPAY BACKEND CHALLENGE 04:08 SOLVING THE PICPAY BACKEND CHALLENGE WITH .NET 8