Online test with free general knowledge questions with multiple choice alternatives and commented answers. Questions from this VIRTUAL QUIZ 1 - What is the abbreviation for the state of Roraima? 2 - What is the collective of wolves? 3 - In the famous television series “CHAVES”, what is the name of Quico's mother? 4 - On what date is Valentine's Day celebrated in Brazil? 5 - Which of the following alternatives has a country that is not located in Europe? 6 - Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom died at what age? 7 - What is the appropriate formal pronoun used for a judge? 8 - What is the synonym for PRODIGO? 9 - S is the symbol for which chemical element? 10 - Florence is a city located in which of the following countries? 11 - Panelada is a typical food from which region of Brazil? 12 - Which continent is the natural habitat of toucans? 13 - What is triple 97? 14 – How many syllables does the word otorhinolaryngologist have? 15 – According to the Holy Bible, how many commandments did GOD write on stone tablets and give to Moses? 16 – Which civilization built Machu Picchu? 17 – Which famous actor starred in the movie Rambo? 18 – Which of the following sentences has the correct plural? 19 – What is the most populous continent in the world? 20 – Which of the following words is spelled incorrectly? 21 – Which state is the largest coffee producer in Brazil? 22 – The trachea is part of which system of the human body? 23 – How long is each (regular) half of a soccer match? 24 – Vodka is a typical drink of which country? 25 – In which of the following states is Chapada Diamantina located? 26 – It is not a stringed musical instrument: 27 – “XC” in Roman numerals corresponds to the number: 28 – Jerimum is the same as: 29 – What is the antonym of COMPASSIVE? 30 – What is the capital of Colombia? #Questions #Test #Challenge