e-urals.ru t.me/salair54_pub boosty.to/salair54 The first review in Russia of a Russian-made ATX computer power supply unit — Energiya Urala Model Standard 500W ATX NSVTs.565111.001. The Energiya Urala power supply unit is included in the Unified Register of Russian Radio-Electronic Products. It’s time to start installing Russian power supplies in Russian personal computers. At the very least, they are no worse than what is installed there now. Music: Eduard Artemyev — One Day from Childhood (from the album Territory of Love) Eduard Artemyev — The Road (from the album Territory of Love) M.P. Mussorgsky — Meditation (from the files of the video game Fallout 4) Franz Liszt — Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 (from the files of the video game Fallout 4) Claude Debussy — The Sea. Wave Game (from Fallout 4 video game files) 0:00 Introduction 3:01 Inside and Out 6:29 Test System Configuration 7:21 Testing 11:21 Summary