“Çok Güzel Hareketler 2”, produced by the workshop directed by Yılmaz Erdoğan, is on the air with its 64th episode! ➛It Happened Unintentionally - 04:08 ➛Floor Bed - 19:35 ➛2+1 Man - 37:39 ➛Don't Mess With Our Lives - 01:02:54 ➛Spreading Corona - 01:16:06 ➛Anatolian Sparrows - 01:38:48 ➛See It Like A Wedding - 01:57:28 Very Beautiful Movements 2 Official Accounts: / cokguzelhareketler2 / cokguzelhareket / cokguzelhareketler2 ► Subscribe to Very Beautiful Movements Channel: http://goo.gl/inzjIu ► Subscribe to BKM Channel: http://goo.gl/rq6Yql ► Subscribe to BKM Music Channel: https://goo.gl/xmCkJH #BKM #VeryBeautifulMoves2 #YılmazErdogan #BeşiktaşCultureCenter #BKMMutfak #Çgh2