The guest is Věra Doušová, former dissident and chairwoman of the Central Bohemian Food Bank. Once upon a time, as a friend of Jiřina Šiklová, she participated in publishing samizdat. Today, Věra Doušová is the president of the Food Bank for Prague and Central Bohemia? How does it come back to a person when he makes life easier for other people for decades? And how to learn not to be afraid of anything in advance? Hosted by Lucie Výborná. Article: https://radiozurnal.rozhlas.cz/cerstv... Listen as a podcast in the mujRozhlas mobile application https://rozhl.as/mujRozhlasApplikace Radiožurnál website: https://radiozurnal.rozhlas.cz/ Facebook: / radiozurnal Twitter: / radiozurnal1 Instagram: / radiozurnal