???????? My Course on Guitar Beats with Rhythmic Figures https://ricardocaldas.net/InKNfXeRpq0B ???????? My Course on Scales, Chords and Harmony https://ricardocaldas.net/InKNfXeRpq0E ???????? SEE ALSO THESE RELATED VIDEOS ???????? ???? Songs with Chords from the HARMONIC FIELD OF C MAJOR • Songs with Chords from the HARMONIC FIELD... ???? 6 Songs With Bolero Beat • 6 Songs With Bolero Beat ???? 4 Songs on Guitar with the Sequence AE Bm D • 4 Songs on Guitar with the Sequence A... ???????? VARIOUS SONGS USING THE D MAJOR HARMONIC FIELD ???????? In this video, I list the 3 major chords and the 3 minor chords of the D Major harmonic field, and then I play some songs using these chords. When you become familiar with the harmonic fields, you start to notice the relationships between the chords in the middle of the songs. This way, it becomes easier to play the songs because the chords will almost always be the same as the harmonic field. If a chord appears that is different from the harmonic field, you will also notice it because you will be more familiar with the chords of the harmonic field and consequently you will be able to identify chords that are strange to it. ???????? SHARE THIS VIDEO ???????? ???? Several Songs using the D Major Harmonic Field • Several Songs using the Harmonic Field... ▶️ Subscribe to the channel! / @ricardocaldasguitarra #guitar #acoustic guitar #how to play the guitar #how to play #play the guitar #chords