It is believed that almost every Thai person must have at least one meal in their day that consists of rice and a side dish, or what is commonly known as "rice with curry". This is a fast food dish of Thai people that comes in a wide variety. The variety includes a dazzling menu, different tastes depending on the area, seasonings or ingredients, and different cooking methods according to the lifestyles of the group of people. Thais have been eating rice as a staple food for a long time, but when did we start eating rice with curry? Memories of meticulously prepared dishes from mothers' hands in the kitchen in each home, housework that indicates femininity, the charm of women's cooking, changed to eating out from the taste and cooking of others? Development from many civilized countries, changes in governance systems have affected the way Thais eat. How did the history of rice with curry change from middle-class food to a common city food that everyone can access like today? Follow the program From Roots to Us: History of Rice with Curry: From Middle Class to Common City Food, Monday, September 12, 2022, 9:45 p.m. - 10:15 p.m. on Thai PBS. Or watch reruns at http://www.thaipbs.or.th/JakRakSuRao #riceandcurry #fromtherootstous #thaifastfood ------------------------------------------------------- Click Subscribe to follow the channel's great programs at: http://thaip.bs/YSBht5j and follow Thai PBS online at Website: http://www.thaipbs.or.th Facebook: http://www.fb.com/ThaiPBS Twitter: / thaipbs Instagram: / thaipbs LINE: http://www.thaipbs.or.th/AddLINE TikTok: / thaipbs YouTube: / thaipbs