🎥Recommended Video [Fashion that suits people over 40] • [Useful] What kind of clothes do people in their 40s wear? Fashion and activities that suit people over 40... 🕊️About this channel Thank you for always watching. This channel updates interesting topics and useful information from Girls Channel. If you like it, please subscribe and rate it highly🙏 Subscribe here😺⬇︎ / @galnyan For entertainment and celebrity information, check out this channel! Galnyan News [Entertainment Department]😺⬇︎ / @geinoubu ※To the official YouTube administrator※ This channel creates original content based on information from Girls Channel. ーーーー✂︎ーーーー✂︎ーーーー✂︎ーーーー✂︎ーーーー✂︎ーーーー#GalChan #GirlsChannel #AroundForty #AroundFif