Buying a used car can save you a lot of money, but it can also be your worst nightmare if you're not careful... that's why today I'm going to clear the picture and bring you this definitive guide of used cars that you should and shouldn't buy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Buy yourself something: https://bit.ly/43C8aUc You need to get a quote for a Swap or a Professional Restoration, fill out the form at this link: https://bit.ly/3zWXimq ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Collaborations [email protected] Used Cars 10 Good 10 Bad! (#tips) see before you buy! #guillermomoellermx #performancecustomsmx #LaToxica #Arrastrada #tunear #LSSWAP #ProTouring #RestoMod #Mods #taller #Motores #Autos #HONDA #TOYOTA #FORD #350Z #PERFORMANCE #RAM #TRX #RAPTOR #NISSAN #D21 #TAHOE #CIVIC