In the video, I mistakenly wrote that the creator of VHS Sans was Iamboss0, but the correct name was lamboss0. I'm very sorry. ×Iamboss0 〇lamaboss0 ⇩VHS Sans creator lamaboss0's soundcloud and YouTube / vhs-sans-phase-2-better-start-running-orig... / channel ⇩VHS Sans sprite creator satis328's YouTube / @sati328 ⇩Things used in VHS Sans ・vhs sans by ngocvx18 https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/7107... ⇩The Thought creator Tratser's tumblr https://tratserenoyreve.tumblr.com/po... ⇩Ink!Sans Fight https://gamejolt.com/games/isf039/531895 ⇩Dreamtale creator Jokublog's tumblr and YouTube https://jokublog.tumblr.com/post/1579... / @jokulive8747 ⇩UNDERTALE NIGHTMARE SANS! by sussyskelesans https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/6733... ⇩The current owner of Shattered! Dream Sans tumblr / zu-is-here ⇩Shattered! Dream Sans by XCrossSwapPapXX https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/2522... ⇩The creator of Undertale, tobyfox / tobyfox ⇩The background music, sound effects, and materials used in the video were borrowed from the following sites:OtoLogic https://otologic.jp/ Iwashiro Music Materials https://iwashiro-sounds.work/ MusMus https://musmus.main.jp/ On-Jin ~音人~ https://on-jin.com/ 魔王魂https://maou.audio/ Pocket Sound https://pocket-se.info/ Vita Chi Material Museum http://www.vita-chi.net/sozai1.htm Amacha Music Studio https://amachamusic.chagasi.com/index... Pixel Garo https://hpgpixer.jp/ Sosakudo Sakura Momiji https://yukizakura.net/ Magic Decoration Diagram http://maho-deco.com/ Youfuruka https://wingless-seraph.net/ ai-catcher https://ai-catcher.com/ #undertaleau #UndertaleAU