Trovo giveaways - https://trovo.live/FC_DYNAMO Our Discord - / Telegram discord - https://t.me/iDynama Support the streamer - https://www.donationalerts.com/r/fc_d... https://new.donatepay.ru/@fc_dynamo Crypto and UAH: https://fcdynamo.donatik.io Stream on a tank of interest from lvl 6, 3 hours - 3,000r. 200r - play two battles on the vehicle of interest, except for artillery (which is in the hangar and lvl 8-10.) 200r - battle on artillery 100r/battle - play in a platoon with the streamer. #wot #worldoftanks #миртанков #fcdynamo#fcdynamoстрим #fcdynamowot