Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu, or simply Tsukimichi, left many curiosities in the air about the other heroes sent to the Goddess World besides Makoto Misumi after its 1st season. Tomoki is one of these two heroes and one of the characters, if not the most hated so far in the anime. And precisely because of this, many people wonder about a possible Makoto vs Tomoki fight, did it really happen? For those who don't know the anime, Tsukimichi revolves around Makoto Misumi, a normal high school boy summoned to an alternate world as a brave warrior. Unfortunately, the Goddess of the world said with disdain: "Your face is ugly" and stripped him of his title and banished him to the farthest outskirts of the desert. After this event, she summoned two more heroes to her world, Tomoki and Hibiki. Tomoki believes he can do whatever he wants and take whatever he wants from anyone. Precisely for this reason, he thought he could remove Tomoe, one of Makoto's subordinates, from his group. And of course the result of this was not at all good. Because of this, many began to wonder if the Makoto vs Tomoki fight really happened and that is exactly what I am going to show you now. So if you are curious, get some popcorn ready and sit on the couch because the video is awesome! And of course it will contain SPOILERS, so stay tuned! Oh, and if you like Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu like I do and want to stay up to date with all the curiosities, leave suggestions for topics in the comments, because here on the channel all suggestions are welcome. And also let us know if you are looking forward to the new season of the anime. Tsukimichi playlist here on the channel: • TSUKIMICHI: THE TRUE POWERS OF... I hope you enjoy! Join our Discord: / discord Social Networks: ???? Instagram: @bn4ss ???? Twitter: @bn4ss Contact email: [email protected] ♬ Music: ✓ Music by Epidemic Sound #Tsukimichi #MakotoVSTomoki #MakotoMisumi