Summary of all parts with jump marks Traditional basket beekeeping in the heathland areas of northern Germany - The work of the heathland beekeeper throughout the year May this copy help to keep this interesting tradition in memory. Greetings Dirk Authors Kleindienst-Andrée, Dore Simon, Irmgard Rutz, Werner License CC Attribution - no commercial use - no derivatives 3.0 Germany: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/... You may use, copy, distribute and make the work or content publicly available in an unchanged form for any legal and non-commercial purpose, provided that you mention the name of the author/copyright holder in the manner specified by him. Base Object Data https://ui.eidr.org/view/content?id=1... Publisher/Producer IWF (Göttingen) Abstract 0:00:00 Spring work Checking the colonies after wintering 0:05:30 Spring migration for 3-4 weeks to the orchards, drone cutting and swarm control 0:14:04 Preparation of swarm catching bags and baskets 0:27:00 Swarming period of several weeks for heather bees: 2-3 weeks Intercepting the pre-swarms with the old queen and selling them, transporting the main colony to the outside colony 0:38:29 Free flight and catching of the secondary swarms with their young queens to triple the number of colonies 1:00:26 Preparation of the newly formed secondary swarm colonies and the former colonies 1:11:47 Migration to the Lüneburg Heath in August, where around 1500 basket colonies are set up on large migratory colonies to benefit from the heather blossom 4 to 5 weeks to record the annual yield of the heather beekeeper 1:26:02 In autumn, in mid-September, the selection of the permanent colonies and the preparation of the remaining baskets for honey and wax production as well as the feeding of the approximately 700 winter colonies follow 1:45:23 Production of heather honey, which consists of disc honey and pressed honey 1:57:07 Production of wax 2:15:50 Production of beehive, a styrofoam, from rye straw and willow rod strips