At the end of 2024 and to prepare for the launch of Apple Intelligence, Apple has completely redesigned its simplest desktop PC. The Mac mini M4 is intended to be smaller, even more powerful, but still at the same price. Obviously, this makes you curious. ⚠️ More info ❓ Let's unroll! ???? ???? The full article ▶ https://www.frandroid.com/marques/app... Join our Discord server to chat with other members of the Frandroid community, to help each other, but also to participate in exclusive competitions: / discord ——————————— 00:00 We love the Mac Mini M4, but why? 01:59 Family computer (captain obvious) 02:30 GAMING computer! (Excuse me?) 05:50 Server, home automation or NAS! 08:48 Photo, video & code editing! 09:50 Review ——————————— ???? Where to buy it at the best price? ▶ https://www.frandroid.com/produits/or... ???? Subscribe to our channel ▶ https://www.youtube.com/user/FrAndroi... ——————————— ???? Frandroid is a media dedicated to tech followed by millions of enthusiasts. Here, you will find videos on all universes, from smartphones to electric cars! Join us: ???? The site: http://www.frandroid.com/ ???? Facebook: / frandroidcom ???? Twitter: / frandroid ???? Instagram: / frandroid_off ???? Discord: / discord ???? Twitch: / frandroidlive ???? TikTok / frandroid_