This time we will introduce Hiroshima Electric Railway's 5000 series train, the "GREEN MOVER". Manufactured by Siemens in Germany, this vehicle made a spectacular debut as Hiroshima Electric Railway's first and only the second ultra-low floor tram in Japan, but currently an increasing number of trains are left abandoned in the depot due to breakdowns... This is an unusual situation for Hiroshima Electric Railway, where many old trains are still in operation, but the 5000 series had some inconvenient circumstances due to being manufactured overseas... Single-issue list of mysterious trains → • Single-issue Series: JNR bankruptcy → • Series: JNR bankruptcy Series: On the eve of the Shinkansen's opening → • Series: On the eve of the Shinkansen's opening History of the opening of the Tokaido Shinkansen Series → • History of the opening of the Tokaido Shinkansen Series: Nakayama Tunnel → • Series: Nakayama Tunnel