Top 5 perdigones: How to mount these essential nymphs! Christian presents 5 models of perdigones that he likes for nymph fishing with a line. He details each step of the assembly as well as the particularities of the materials used. He also explains how to adapt these models to your rivers as well as to the fish you are looking for. You can find all the equipment at any retailer that sells Vision equipment (They can order the entire Fly Scene range), as well as on the Internet (pecheur.com, as-de-peche.fr, jacquet-peche.com, ...) Below is the list of materials used for tying flies: Perdigone 1: TE15 Wide Gape Dry Fly Size 14-18 Tungsten Beads Slotted Black 3 mm Gulff Resin Black Uni-French Wire Copper Sm UTC 70 Brown Olive UTC 70 Olive Perdigone 2: TE15 Wide Gape Dry Fly Size 14-18 Tungsten Beads Slotted Copper 3 mm Paul's Varnish With Brush Moose Mane Krystal Flash Black UTC 70 Black Perdigone 3: TE15 Wide Gape Dry Fly Size 14-18 Tungsten Beads Slotted Copper 3 mm UV Acryl Fly Scene Spanflex Fiber Medium Brown Spanflex Fiber Medium Tan UTC Holo Tinsel Red Sm UTC 70 White Perdigone 4 : TE15 Wide Gape Dry Fly Size 14-18 Tungsten Beads Slotted Silver 3 mm Gulff Minuteman Pearl Angel Sheeting Ice Blue Pearl UTC Holo Tinsel Red Sm Perdigone 5 : TE15 Wide Gape Dry Fly Size 14-18 Tungsten Beads Slotted Copper 3 mm Gulff Minuteman Pearl Angel Sheeting Olive Brown Fly Scene Glow Bright Orange UTC 70 Black 0:00 Intro 1:30 Perdigone 1 5:30 Perdigone 2 9:42 Perdigone 3 1:13 p.m. Perdigone 4 17:52 Perdigone 5 #pechealamouche #montagedemouches #nympheaufil